Airdog TPA Technology: Washable Solution

Do you know? HEPA is made of the same material as plastic bags. One HEPA filter equals to at least 1000 plastic bags. Airdog washable air purifier, say NO to the wasteful HEPA filters! With our reusable, easy clean collecting plates, you will save time, money, and our planet with our energy-efficient and WASTE-FREE design.  

Airdog Air Purifiers efficiently remove air polution and viruses

The advanced TPA® Filter Technology provides a cost-effective and sustainable solution, especially compared to other products on the market.Several international institutes have certified the efficiency of Airdog Air Purifiers. Tests by German medical laboratories have proven that also corona viruses are eliminated up to 99.99%.

Our Air Purifier protect you and your environment, by removing viruses, germs & bacteria, microdust & smoke, formaldehyde, pollen, fungus spores, odor and so on from the air.

